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Bangladesh houses 16.5 million farmer families

The number of agricultural labour could be a very little over 9 million. A National Agricultural Census report has aforesaid Bangla Desh is presently home to sixteen.5 million farmer families.

The report was disclosed at a program organized by the Bangla Desh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) at the BBS area in Dhaka on Sunday.

The report additionally highlighted the very fact that there over four million landless farmers, with close to vi.8 million farmers cultivating alternative people's land.

The number of agricultural labour could be a very little over 9 million, the report continued .

Among eutherian mammal, the amount of cows is twenty eight.4 million, buffaloes 718,411, goats 19.2 million, sheep 892,628, chicken 189.2 million, duck 67.5 million, and turkey one.4 million.

Planning Minister MA Mannan attended the program because the chief guest. Statistics and scientific discipline Division Secretary Saurendra Nath Chakrabhartty, Project Director of Agriculture Census Project Md Zafar Ahmed Khan were additionally gift at the event.

Such agriculture census was administered in Bangla Desh in 1977, 1983-84, 1996 and 2008.

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